Gastroenterology Department
The division of Gastroenterology and hepatology provides comprehensive care to patients with gastrointestinal and liver disorders. These includes but not limited to:
- Gastro oesophageal reflux
- Peptic ulcers
- Swallowing difficulties.
- Constipation and Diarrhea
- Irritable bowel Syndrome or Irritable colon
- Oesophageal Stomach and Colon Cancer
- Halitosis or bad Breath
- Abdominal bloatedness and “Gases”
- Management of Hepatitis A,B & C
- Management of raised Liver enzymes
- Management of biliary (Bile Tubes) disease
- Management of Pancreatic diseases
- Management of Liver fibrosis and liver cirrhosis
- Management of Fatty Liver and steatohepatitis
The divisions have the facilities to perform the following Endoscopy Procedures also.
- Diagnostic and theraphic gastroscopy and colonoscopy
- ERCP & removal of biliary stones
- Dilatation of digestive tract strictures and stenting
- Variceal banding and glue injections
- Treatment of bleeding ulcers with clips,
- cautery and injections
- Removal of digestive tract polyps
- Gastric Balloon Insertion and removal