Ms. Mubasira Siddiqa Sameera
M.Sc. Nutrition and Dietetics
Clinical Dietitian
Work Experience
- Mubasira has a total of 7 years' experience in the field of clinical nutrition. Prior to joining Zulekha hospital, Mubasira was associated with Gleneagles Global, a 500 bed multispecialty Hospital in India. She has experienced in counselling and nutrition therapy for all patient population groups. She is also a lifelong member of the Indian Dietetic Association.
Languages Spoken
- English
- Hindi
- Urdu
Special Interests
- Critical Care Nutrition - Neonates
- Pediatrics
- Metabolic syndrome (Obesity, Diabetes and Hyperlipidemia)
- Evaluating the Risk and Rewards of Bariatric surgery - IJSER , 2017.