Ms. Anjum Ara Dietetics and Food Service Management
Clinical Dietician
Work Experience
Ms. Anjum Ara presently working as Clinical Dietitian and has more than 15 years of Hospital experience and in the field of Dietetics.
- She has expertise in Diet counselling related to all diseases, diet for pre- and post-Bariatric surgeries, nutritional management for critical ill pts and other relevant health condition.
- She has worked as a Clinical Dietitian, Diet Counsellor and Diabetes Educator at the M.S. Ramaiah Memorial Hospital, Bangalore, India.
- She has also conducted nutrition training programs for UG/PG students and IGNOU classes for Doctors.
- Prior to this, she was a Nutritionist at IFWU (Integrated Family Welfare Unit), an NGO affiliated to (Christian Children´s Fund) CCF.
- She successfully completed a Practical Diabetology course for Diabetes Management.
Languages Spoken
- English
- Hindi
- Urdu
Special Interests
- Diabetes
- Critical Care Nutrition
- Health Promotion - Her talks at camps, live radio and TV programs helped to create health awareness Karnataka, India.
- Research work on nutritional assessment in Type 1 DM children and has prepared a booklet on complete Diabetes Management titled 'Living Healthy with Diabetes'.