Ms. Jazina Nazeer Sayed Mohamed
Master in Audiology & Speech Language Pathology
Diploma in Vestibular Rehabilitation
Work Experience
- Jazina Nazeer Sayed Mohamed has over 13 years of working experience including clinical as well as teaching experience with MERF Chennai, and KMC Hospital, Mangalore, India.
- Prior to joining with Zulekha Hospital, she has been working with Prime Healthcare Group Dubai, U.A.E
Languages Spoken
- English
- Malayalam
- Tamil
- Hindi
- Kannada
Special Interests
- Clinical Audiology
- Pediatric Audiology
- Vestibular assessment and management
- Auditory Electrophysiology
Research and Publications
- The Neural encoding of speech sounds in infants using ABR
- The Linguistic and Auditory processing in multilingual children with dyslexia
- Life Time member of Indian Speech and Hearing Association (ISHA)
- Member of Rehabilitation Council of India (RCI).